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Short history

Started in 1995 as a CB operator then to a license Ham operator in 1996 (VP2VVN) then to radio broadcaster 2009 start the online station in 2010. The sky is the limit. In Jesus name.

And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the  world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.
St Matt.24:14

Eagle Flying

God is good and to him I give the Glory. It started with a piece of cord and two milk tin when I was 10 years old.

After moving to the British Virgin Island in 1982 I come in contact with some CB Radio operators. I found this quite interesting so I bought a 10 meter Radio and a Wilson 1000 magnetic mount Antenna and in no time I was on the air talking to the other CBers around the BVI. While operating as a CB radio operator. I met with Mr. Author Swain and Mr. Bob Dennison who were masters on the Ham Radio, they encourages me to do  a Radio Course, this  I pursue and was successful ,I took the exam and pass I obtained a  Ham Radio license I operate for quite a few years  touching over 100 countries, and during the hurricane season in the 1990s I did service at the BVI DDM.

I always have this urge to reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


After much praying seeking God  I grow to love  radio  even more and the desire  to get on a local Radio station to help with the spreading the gospel, I started at ZKing Radio some three years now, there I was trained By(the station manager) Miss R. Huggins to be a operator/announcer, I felt and still feel the call to to take the Gospel to the lost by way of radio.


With that in Mind I spoke with My wife Melvina about this her words were (if it is what make you happy Go for it) she stood by me all the way. we now host two program  on ZKing Radio station aired every Thursday evening and Saturday morning (THE HOUR OF PRAYER/COMEPRAISE and WORSHIP) (We now only do the Saturday morning since the hurricane in 2017 IRMA)


We have had many testimonies from folks of the blessing they received as a result of the program.


It is to God we give ALL the Glory , here we are launching an online Radio Station after much thought and praying. My wife Melvina,((Melvina is now deceased July18th 2016) Lynford Jr, Marva, Lavern, Chandra stood with me all the way; my mom always encourages me to continue. My church family stood by me with much prayer, My Bishop Pastor Todman and the other ministers supports us and this we Really appreciate,  and want to say much thanks for your many prayers we are in this to reach the lost, there are so many folks dying without Jesus.   


And this Gospel of the Kingdom Shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come. St Matthew 24:14.

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